Weekly Seminar – 02/23/2018 – Consensus-based distributed stochastic gradient descent method for fixed topology networks

This week Zhanhong Jiang of Mechanical Engineering will speak about Distributed Deep Learning Algorithms.
The abstract:
The focus of this talk is towards developing novel distributed deep learning algorithms in order to solve challenging learning problems in various domains such as robotic networks. Specifically, I will present a consensus-based distributed stochastic gradient descent method for fixed topology networks. While some previous work has been done on this topic, the data parallelism and distributed computation are still not sufficiently explored. Therefore, the proposed method can be used to tackle such issues.

Venue: 2222 Coover Hall

Time: 12.10 – 1.00PM Friday, 23 February.

5 Replies to “Weekly Seminar – 02/23/2018 – Consensus-based distributed stochastic gradient descent method for fixed topology networks”

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